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  • Naruto Special 202 - 203 - 204

    Posted on October 9th, 2006 by retsgip - 267 Views

    Apparently, the previous episode wasn’t considered an episode, and no she doesn’t die this is just a painting

    Rating: 5/10 (Gai + Kurenai saved it from imploding, although that might have ended the fillers..damn)

    Hey, I have a great idea about what to do for the next Naruto episode! Someone grab a pencil and write this down, it’s gonna make millions. And not only is this going to be pure gold, but we can kill a good 4-5 episodes without anyone even noticing. It’s genius!

    Here, I’ll lay it out so even the Naruto staff can understand:

    1. First, we’ll introduce a new female character and draw the audience in by her mysterious nature. Lets not make her too important because we either have to kill her off or ignore her once the 4-5 episodes are over in order to restore the natural balance of the Naruto Universe.
    2. Then, we need to create a new back-story for one of the characters that doesn’t get much screen time. This will not only make up for the lack of development for this character in previous episodes, but also allow the viewers to catch a glimpse of the past! We’re practically killing two birds with one kunai.
    3. But, wait, wait! Here’s the best part! To boost our ratings, lets make it longer than a normal episode! Hmm, forty minutes seems too short, so lets make it an hour long! Then we can even call it a special! Hell yes, this rocks!
    4. To add more frosting on this already perfectly baked cake, after we force them to sit through an hour of this episode, lets fool them and make it a cliffhanger! Lolz! That way, all the people who expected a real special will have to watch another episode! *throws head back and laughs mechanically**high-fives everyone in the room*

    Oh wait, they just did that. Damn, I’m way too slow with these sort of things. There’s always next time, I guess.

    On a more serious note, I was extremely disappointed by this “special” episode(e-special-ly lame that is). Not only was it boring as hell, but it was long as hell. There was maybe, MAYBE, 5 minutes of action in the entire episode. Isn’t this supposed to be a Shounen Jump series, not a drama? Where’s all the action that I fell in love with 190 episodes ago? It’s depressing!

    Good old Gai, you really can’t beat it

    Only two things saved this episode from sure and udder failure(yes, glandular failure in an area generally found beneath cows–serious business): Gai and Kurenai. Gai always brightens my day with a shiny smile and a hearty thumbs-up. I can’t hate any episode which features Gai, it’s just not possible. I can bad mouth it a lot, but I can’t entirely hate it. Kurenai is just absolutely sexy. She’s one of the few mature looking women in anime that I think actually look extremely sexy. For that, I love this episode. She also kicked major ass during various scenes, and won super brownie points. Unfortunately, the episode still sucked (obviously, I make tons of sense).

    Akamaru knows what’s up

    I’m not even going to go into the plot. It’s horrible. Why is it that we’re seeing a side of Kurenai that was never there before? They made her out to be a complete dick almost the entire episode, even though we knew something “was up.” I was also getting really tired of Naruto running into 4203 genjutsus and having to be released by Sakura every time. Then what happens? Yeah, he fucking defeats the badguy with his Naruto combo. For those of you who didn’t watch the episode, this is how the scene pans out: Naruto points at the guy, screams some random shit about “here I come,” casts kage bushin, runs straight at the guy, Naruto combo is completed.

    Gimmie a break! What the hell? Was I supposed to cheer, or just be disgusted at how easily Naruto got his combo off on someone Kurenai couldn’t defeat. There’s a big difference between saving a character’s dignity and adding a completely retarded scene that seems out of place, even for Naruto standards. Brb, crying.

    So, tell me again why they killed off one of the better characters in the show?

    One last plus side, which I wont count towards this episode, is the OP. I actually enjoyed this OP, despite my rather high standards in OP/ED music. The artwork was also pretty creative, which featured a few “video camera-esque” scenes of people around Konoha. I also enjoyed the way they animated Lee fighting Naruto towards the end of the song, it’s incredibly realistic despite them being 2D silhouettes. I blew by the ED since the first few seconds didn’t appeal to me, although I did catch the time-skip glimpse we get at the of it (thanks to flou who reminded me to mention it). Possible fillers ending? Psh, yeah right, you’re dreamin’ or maybe its Genjustu?!?

    Crappy plot featuring crappy badguys leading to a crappy cliffhanger. Next episode? Probably, no, definitely more crap–dattebayo.


    8 comments to “Naruto Special 202 - 203 - 204”

    Please use <spoiler></spoiler> tags when appropriate, thanks!

    1. If you blew by the ending, you missed something important. Rewatch it even if you don’t like the song and you’ll get a surprise :D

    2. Are you referring to the 2 seconds in which they flash naruto in his new time-skip outfit at the very end of the ED?

      More propaganda and conspiracy in order to make us watch more episodes those fucking bastards!@

    3. Before anything, love the Firebomb-blog Rets, I love these kinds of blogs the most. It raises the question, “What the Hell is this Shit?”. Naruto better get off fillers soon if it actually wants to keep any loyal viewes.

      I want to make my own spinoff filler series based on the Naruto universe. It will be fanservice and suggestive situations nonstop.

      Episodes will go like this:

      -”The Three Maidens go to Hot Springs Adventure!”
      -”Alas! Wardrobe Malfunctions during combat!”
      -”Lady Ninjas go lingerie shopping!”
      -”Seduction no Jutsu!”
      -”The sexy females of Naruto, recap!”

      See now, I am sure people actually wan to watch something like that. I can even throw in Sakura, Hinata and Ino if you so wish.

    4. If any of those 5 were a filler episode title, I’d probably have a ball watching it. They could do so many things with the characters they have now, but they let most of them go to waste. It’s actually kind of depressing.

      They really need to work on putting more female characters into the episodes. Naruto actually has a decent female cast, but they avoid it for some reason. I really don’t understand.

    5. yap. anther crap arc. but I do like the new OP. -^^-

      by the way, you forgot to mention all the bad guys in the fillers has small eyes wich one of them is half closed. ~_^

    6. haha, yeah ;p

      some bad news: It looks like this arc is gonna be at least 2 more episodes :(

    7. I am sick and tired watching these pointless low budget shitty fillers, If you compare A filler episode with a non filler episode you will probably notice a great difference of anime quality, cinematic and fluid moves, which certainly require a great deal of effort in the pierrot studio, having said that this difference comes at a high price, to compensate that, the studio need to earn more money to cover the same quality anime in the non fillers episode by applying more thoughtful storyline like in the manga and so on. so the studio need to produce more filler and side stories which involves different characteres like hinata, chouji, ino, kiba to push people to buy their figurines and all sort of marchandinsing related to these characteres, remember the most recurent characters in the non fillers episodes are mainly Naruto, Sakura, Suske, Kakashi, Orochimaru…etc, which is good for fans obviousely, personnely I want to see more of Kakashi vs Itachi, learn more about akatsuki and their members, and also i would like to see full scale fight between itachi and orocimaru, just to find out, why orochimaru feares him.
      However, the marketing department as always takes an other direction, too boost their earnings, usually not in favor of the fan which is absolutely the case with naruto fillers, I just hope to see them put an end to these fillers and resume the story very soon.

      by Itachi_the_Feared_one October 14th, 2006 at 8:03 pm

    8. lol, copy paste. youre pro man, i love you! funny shit.

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