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    Venus Versus Virus - 01 - First Impression

    Posted on January 16th, 2007 by retsgip - 4,235 Views
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    Rating: 8.0/10

    Although I admit that I have little faith in this season, I may still pick up a few different titles just to keep me occupied. This is definitely a possible candidate, but first I need to wait and see where it goes with the second episode. If it doesn’t suck, then I’ll most likely blog it.

    So then, what is it that draws me towards the females with guns (e.g., Black Lagoon, Gunslinger Girls, Chrono Crusade)? Is it my American background? *cue girls in bikinis shooting semi-automatic rifles* Maybe the sight of seeing a female, which is typically a passive gender, take initiative is what intrigues me? Whatever it is, I always find the sight of a female with a gun enjoyable and somewhat sexy.

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