Bartender - 02
Posted on November 10th, 2006 by retsgip - 1,040 ViewsThree pictures because not much happens, but there is OH so much feeling!
Rating: 9/10
I seriously love this show. I feel like when I watch it, my life suddenly becomes complete and everything slows way down. My heartbeat slows down, my breathing becomes regulated, and all physical/mental ailments suddenly are healed. Omg the powers of a “healing” anime.
Disclamer: I was drunk when I watched AND wrote about this episode. Fitting for the theme, yet not so fitting in my ability to blog. Sorry for any coherency problems. Seriously, this is Darkshaunz idea.
It seriously amazes me at how in depth Japanese are with their food/drinks. I can’t even put into words how awesome the symbolism is for just one fucking bottle of whiskey. Like what the fuck man! I was drooling in awe as I watched and connected all the pieces of the puzzle for form a complete understanding of what happened years ago. And then, the bartender’s ability to find the correct drink not only amazed me, but showed just how BADASS he really is. He doesn’t need to pilot gundams or be a secret ninja in disguise. He’s a fucking bartender guru who actually helps people. Unofficial superhero!
I’ve only mentioned symbolism but I haven’t mentioned the ACTUal symbolism that was used in this episode. Apparently, there was a bottle of western whiskey which was introduced in japan. It was a new flavor, a new feeling, and all together strange for the Japanese public. BUT, what they managed to do was blend in to the Japanese culture but still bring a new taste. This specific year of whiskey was the year in which they finally made their breakthrough in Japanese Culture. SO, the son of some old Japanese hotel owner wanted to use this exact bottle as a metaphor to symbolize how he would transform the family hotel into a new Japanese style hotel. They’ll assimilate with the culture but still keep their own originality! WOW! The symbolism! I was literally lacked words to express myself!
Okay, this anime has seriously cast some sort of love spell on me. I can’t even explain why I love it so much, but my true feelings tell me that this anime is awesome. I couldn’t get into ARIA because of the animation (don’t ask it just didn’t mix well with me) but for some reason this anime pwns me so hardcore that I feel like I just had sex when I watch it. Yeah, it’s that powerful. Write that down. In any case, I’m looking forward to what more is in store for us. I’m hoping they incorporate the people the bartender helps more with the story and we see more and more connections, until the very end when we realize that he’s gathered a nice group of friends who come and drink at his bar. I would like that kind of ending. A big gathering of everyone who was helped by the bartender, in the bar, all drinking and chatting with each other, and him on the side watching and enjoying what a great atmosphere this is.
If anyone wants me to do Summaries for this, let me know in the comments and I’ll gladly do so. I’m just assuming that people have access to the subs so they’d watch them before reading. Now that Lunar Anime has started subbing the episodes, all should be well.
This was well written for a person who was tipsy…maybe to get the “maximum” effect I wanted, I need you to chug down another vodka shot. I think “Gartender” was so good with the healing that it actually led you closer to a sober state. This is frightening indeed.
We need more Tipsy/Drunk Rets entries for the Great Justice of Haruhi and hot Catgirls. Good to see that you enjoying bartender in such an intoxicated state, what better physiological state to be in when watching about a Grandmaster of alcohol dispensing?
Only complaint is, it was too coherent. Needs more random trailing off about how hot Karen’s ass in Code Geass is, or maybe why you suddenly though of Pikachu when he was mixing a drink. Kudos.
I really like Bartender also. I actually just wrote an article on what I like about this show, and why more people should be watching it.
check it out, I’d like your opinion
As a side note, in my experience, blogging while drunk is not the best idea, and I have someone read over it before I post, to make sure I don’t embarrass myself too much.
Watch bartender sober, you’ll like it even more.