Our Anime Passion - Anime Girl Window Shopping
Posted on February 5th, 2007 by Darkshaunz - 243,195 ViewsDarkshaunz knows he likes the Silent Types.
I’ve read a lot about this so called “2D complex”, its almost a buzz word amongst observers referencing Otakus. It deals with some of our fixations with anime female archetypes in anime. The Irony behind most anime, is that they deal very much with the grim, joyful and sometimes surreal translations of real life. If you look at Black Lagoon, its not that hard to imagine something seedy happening in a dark alley in a law-forsaken place somewhere in our world. Then I stumbled upon all the different types of girls in anime, and why we often fall for their charm. So join me, as I explore why we love our anime girls so much, and which types are realisitc representations of the real thing, amongst energy beams, saiyans and gundams.
She’s hiding a boxcutter.
The Childhood Friend Type
In many series, the childhood friend type of girl is the one we would be giving our support in the story’s main pairing. This is because we assume a lot of things when it comes to these types of female characters, we assume that they know the male lead the best out of all the other (possible) females in the cast and they usually end up being the most caring out of the lot. If I have to use an extreme example, we can go with Kaede from Shuffle! I say extreme because she goes Boxcutter on another girl in the series (well, that forms part of her charm too). Kaede forms a large fanbase because she’s every guy’s ideal “Girl next Door” kind of female character. Childhood Friend types are also crucial to a lot of anime stories, their strong connection to the male lead usually boils down to major love triangle or in some cases, near-tragic events. They form a very large staple of plot-drivers in anime, even though 90% of the time they are forgotten or left behind as the male lead ditches them for another girl he just met.
The way I see it, the Childhood Friend Type of female character is actually a fair representation of an individual who has withstood the tests of time with regards to their relationship with another person. I am certain that most of you reading, know about the qualities about time, and how something small between individuals can become fully blown up with time. In some anime, we are talking about anything up to 10 years of the girl knowing the guy, going through Kindergarden, Elementary and High School together will most definitely have an impact on your relationship with that person. The main reason we root for Childhood Friend types is because as human beings, we can appreciate someone knowing and understanding ourselves, and what better person than that girl who has sailed through the ups and downs with you for longer than you could possibly remember? I’m definitely a Childhood Friend shipper, but they must be wielding Boxcutters to stake a claim on their men! (I’ll also accept those who brandish assault rifles).
Yes, thats a condom, and no, I won’t tell you where I got it. =p
I think Silent Types are a major target for criticism due to the fact that, they don’t do anything much to develop their character, yet they command some of the largest fanbases in the industry. Conceding that I’ve been a Rei fanboy for a long time, I’d admit to the fact that you definitely have to look deeper to find the charm with these types of female characters. The main reason we are drawn to Silent Types is because they do not overtly draw attention to themselves, kind of like when you are in a speech hall, you don’t usually pay attention to the guy on the podium who’s trying his best not to put you to sleep, but you can’t help but look around at people who are not the centre of attention. This gives them a natural edge of mystery and intrigue on a character level. Silent girl types in anime also end up kicking a bucketload of ass in one way or another. Ayanami’s a classic in this field, she did turn into a supermassive angel in the end, but I’d rather use Yuki Nagato for this example. All I can say is, I’ve never ever seen a fight choreographed to Eurobeat happening in a distorted warp space where the Silent character basically gets impaled three times and literally keeps going.
Silent Types are not to be mistaken for submissive girl characters. They can be, but more often than not, they are there as observer characters. In fact, you could say that they are the representation of us as viewers to the anime, they see the things going on behind the scenes, but mischievously don’t interfere even though we know, and they know something adverse is going to happen to the rest of the cast. A lot of Silent type girls in anime are usually kind of like blank templates, so as guys we tend to project a lot of qualities onto them to fill that “void”, in appreciating Silent types, we’re playing a mind game with ourselves. Is this an accurate representation of a real silent type girl however, is a different can of worms. In my experience, I don’t think so, the girls I knew throughout school and university were definitely highly social, and outgoing, even the quieter ones were involved in clubs and activities. I definitely guarantee that they did not engage in warpspace battles to Eurobeat Music (at least I hope not). So in this case, I’d be inclined to say that the Silent Type girl character is just a byproduct of a popular trend in anime character casting.
Kagura is teh secks.
The Sporty/Tomboyish Type
I know Rets is a big fan of the Sporty types, and they are sure a pleasant sight in anime. Usually, they are positioned as a source of comic relief to the anime series, or usually ends up as the female lead’s best friend (or something to that effect). Their charm lies not with their gentleness or submissiveness, but obviously due to their athleticism, outgoing and energetic nature. If Spring is symbolic to blooming life and fertility, then sports would be the celebration of the peak of youth. Its believed that Sporty type anime girls are inherently sexier and better developed than most of the female cast, as its a straight derivative from their sporty demeanour. Now, its either that, or guys just guiltily love watching girls in their bloomers and white t-shirts, and paying attention to their “assets” as they are running. Whilst the latter may be a truer result of red-blooded young men, either way, its very apparent that we’re natural comrades with Tomboyish and Sporty types. Its fair to say that we don’t like them in a manner that they are “similar to the guys”, but we appreciate them because they form part of the female population we can actually relate to in a way.
We tend to be very much less frustrated with the Tomboyish types because they are definitely more blunt with what they feel, and we are usually left hoping that IF ONLY the female or male leads had some of their honesty and bluntness, then perhaps the romance section of the anime wouldn’t have to be so sexually frustrated. Much like the above, the Tomboyish and Sporty types of anime girls are very capable of kicking some can when the time is calls for it. The question now lies with whether or not this mirrors the same type of girls we know and see in our everyday life. To be honest, I’d say that the sporty and tomboyish types of girls you see in anime are a fair go at the real girls of the same type. I knew a couple of girls in high school that have the same attributes; and they are definitely the funniest, outgoing, charming and enjoyable people to be around with. Its a myth that we’d regard them as “one of the guys”, girls are still girls, but their positive and energetic disposition just makes them a pleasure to be around with.
You better have a damn good pickup line.
The Elusive Catch/GAR Type
I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that men are in fact, natural hunters. We are adversarial, territorial and possessive, this is what makes us enjoy the “hunt”. So its a chauvinistic trait that we may see girls as “trophies” to compensate for somethings (ahem), but its what makes us men, and I am sure the opposite sex enjoys playing hard to get. So what are these so called Elusive Catch types? I am talking about female anime characters which were totally not designed to be “Cute” or “Loving”, nothing like that. I am talking the anime girls which are more likely to eat you for breakfast, then spit you out at the next opportunity. In fact, they are so GAR, you wonder whether if there’s any “wo” left in that woman. The best example we can think of is Revy for Black Lagoon, of course, its an inside joke that we call her “Tsunderevy”, but it’s a massively safe bet that Rock probrably isn’t even one quarter of his way into reaching our Gun-Goddess’s “sanctum”. That said, its also the thing that forms the majority of her charm, she’s pretty much near unobtainable, and its human nature to want what we cannot have.
If Revy’s a testament to anything about this type, its that they are dead sexy, lethal, manlier than you and I, and most likely a complete mynx in bed (if you even last the night, Rets and I have joked about this ever since the first season). That’s not the only thing that makes us absolutely revel in Revy-types though, they are also very, very badass and smooth ladies. I know that its a combination of both chauvinism and masochism that we can’t help but admire Elusive Catch Types, maybe we guys enjoy a bit of that “Tough Love”. Its time for the real-life counterpart discussion then, in which case, I am putting Elusive Catch types to the “Result of very awesome character design” category. Revy’s awesome and sexy, but the chances of seeing a lady so manly, yet retaining some form of feministic value (and is a modern day pirate), is somewhat one in a billion. I definitely believe its fair to say that as far as real life GAR goes, the extent stops at Tomboyish girls. Otherwise, we should be thankful that Two-Hands Revy doesn’t have a real life counterpart for me to compare with (I dont really want to die young, even at the hands of such a babe).
Under that Dress, is a Crazy Bladestaff thing.
The Combat Princess Type
Its funny, because the terms “Combat Princess” forms an oxymoron. If anything, they are typical stereotype breakers. Princesses, of course, are meant to be the classic damsels in distress. As far as I can remember, the first princess I saw whooping some bad guys on TV was Xena, Warrior Princess (AIEE YEEE YEEE!!!). Wait a minute, if they are meant to be “Hime-sama” types shouldn’t the softer qualities be the ones to eminate from these anime girl types? Actually thats a completely different type together, which we will discuss later. We shouldn’t confuse this with this the “GAR” type either, because these princesses have had a golden spoon in their mouth, especially if you compare the upbringing of Revy to Alice from Pumpkin Scissors. Its pretty much Heaven and Hell (lets rock) when you compare it in that manner. The main draw with the Combat Princess Type lies purely with the fact that they have a really strong sense of justice and doing what’s right. When we live in a world of shades of grey, they provide the “Truly Good Path” for viewers.
Speaking of which, Combat Princess types are loved because they are amusing to watch. At times, they can be naive, innocent or too blatant in their approaches, this is an attractive trait to viewers because we don’t see such an attribute in real life. Well if we did, it was a rare occassion. Pulling something like that off in real life might have landed you a few awkward looks, or even prosecuted for hypocrisy. These maidens help fill the gap of “Morally Good and Right” in our world, and as human beings, we are very cyclical creatures, we like seeing people redeem themselves or be punished for any wrongdoings they may have done. Seeing as Princesses in the anime may not have done anything “wrong” in the first place, the very fact that they were born with a golden spoon in their mouth is enough to warrant some form of redemption in the eyes of many viewers, frankly speaking, myself included (they do live off our taxes after all). Then again, they are living up to their “proud” heritage by saving us all from the forces of evil and oppression. Oh and no, there is definitely no such thing as “Combat” Princesses in real life. But there are individuals like Princess Diana who did a lot of selfless charity work in her career as the Princess of Wales (Kudos and Rest in Peace), in a way that can be considered fighting to better the world.
Quick! Someone Protect Her!
The Fragile Petal Type
Officially, the anime girl type which every guy really likes are the ones which are submissive, gentle, fragile and overworrying. They are your meat and potatoes of a proud line of “Damsels in Distress” (the other spectrum of Combat Princesses). Having some royalty in them may help with the “soft” appeal, but they can be regular high school anime girls as well. The reason why guys simply love these types is because of their helplessness in general. Its not a bad thing, they make up for their helplessness by being a calming and soothing presence in any series, and are definitely needed for anime with many episodes to calm the pace down after a major fight or something. However, they also need to be protected, usually by the male lead. This ultimately translates to the guys in the audience wanting to “Protect” the helpless maiden as a result. Readers out there are probrably thinking, “Shaunz, what you are trying to say is that they are Moe”, well yes, if you are following the Akamatsu essay on what moe is.
This is an interesting flipside to the spectrum then, considering it relies not with the female anime character to have a strong sense of justice, but for the guys in the audience to have that sense of justice instead. Ultimately, guys are dominating in nature and like to be in control over things (Just see a Lion’s Pride or a Troop of Monkeys). We’re egotistical and enjoy our strong sense of integrity, and we can’t help but be suckers when we just know we can help out the hapless heroine in distress and become a Hero (in our Head or in Reality). Does it only boil down to nature’s instincts as to why we adore these anime female types though? Most likely not, I’ve also found that the fragile types always have this soft, eerie warm light aura surrounding them, it forms their essence of attraction, but it freaks me out at times (Call the Ghostbusters). Realistically, girls in real life are definitely not as helpless as anime make these types out to be, the women of today know their rights, most of them know how to defend themselves and deterrents like pepper spray are readily available. I guess if we’re left fantasizing about being heroes or knights in shining armour, its best if we left it to our anime passion (I’m usually saving my girl whilst commanding a fleet of uber cool spaceships, from evil tentacle monsters).
Have your tissues ready, guys.
The Bad Girl Type
Playful, sexy, mischievous and scheming anime girl types are definitely popular with the guy population. Bad Girl types have been in more anime series than I can remember, they’re your typical bad attitude girls wearing those pleated skirts at least one size shorter than what they are supposed to wear, and the sort that lands the main lead and the rest of the series’ cast into a crapload of trouble at one point of the series. Usually mature beyond their age, these characters are also positioned as a sort of comic relief, as they use their MILF-like charm (Easy there, Rets) on the male lead, even though the character itself may be high-schooler age. They exist to neutralize the existence of the female lead in the series, which is either the Childhood Friend Type or the Tsundere Type, or a combination of both types within one person. As you have probrably experienced with these types of female characters, they are a “Pleasure” to watch and are rather “Bold” with their approaches towards the lead character.
Bad Girl types are also usually rewarded with very healthy “assets”. I’m talking of course, of racks so big, they are literally pillows for you to lay on (and possibly have a picnic on). Seductresses are meant to be cheeky monkey wrenches within a romantic section in any anime series, we never take their advances seriously, nor were their characters designed to do so. We probrably don’t realize this because our left hands are constantly reaching for the closest tissue box whenever they do something enticing. Innuendo aside, I guess some of you out there are wondering whether such bad/naughty girls exist out there, whether the “Seductive” types in anime are just a full blown exaggeration. I’d say yes and no, I mean its very a common occurence for girls to tease on a guy’s wants and “desires” in everyday group conversation. However, the bold strip and sexual teasing just doesn’t happen *like that* (as in finger snapping “*”), unless you are Brad Pitt or David Beckham (or Retsgip for that matter), so in that sense, its a result of fanservicing character design, and boy do some Bad anime girls service their fans. Also, the girls that you have to “imburse” for a “good time” definitely do not count in this sense (thats not saying it won’t be a “good time” though).
So? What is your choice Kakarot!??
What your selections say about you:
The Childhood Friend Type - You enjoy being cut by boxcutters when you betray her love, You’re a loyal friend which enjoys the prospect of “tapping” that hot stuff at night and get good food doing it, You are comfortable with a familiar face, and You enjoy being stroked like a kitten on her lap when you are feeling down.
The Silent Type - You are a ZOMG TEH REI!!! fanboy like me, You think Yuki Nagato is the hottest humanoid interface ever and would totally “flood” her data banks (I’m sure she wouldn’t mind), Your wallpaper is probrably one of Rei’s or Nagato’s right now and you dont mind watching scenes where they do nothing but sit silently and think for up to 5 minutes in an episode.
The Sporty/Tomboyish Type - You like being slapped in the back, punched in the arm and kicked in your balls as it is a common way of her saying “Hello”, You enjoy wrestling with a girl in bed before actually getting to jam it in, You watched and loved Azumanga Daioh, You are an adventurous and exciting person ready to embark on an epic journey with a girl.
The Elusive Catch/GAR Type - You’re already Dead. But Hey, at least you died at the hands of the sexiest thing to evolve in this world.
The Combat Princess Type - You enjoy peaceful cups of teas with your majestic in-laws only to be interrupted suddenly by you needing to fight horrible tentacle demons in the name of all that is good, You have a strong sense of justice and moral alignment, You fantasize as much as we do about seeing Alice in a bikini, You aren’t getting any because she’s too busy fighting bad guys to make her country a better place.
The Fragile Petal Type - You would enjoy being the over-obssessive boyfriend of a helpless, soft and gentle girl, You are the kind of guy who would gladly take a bullet and have an epic death scene for her whilst she holds your dying fase crying twin waterfalls, You are pleasured by the fact that such an adorable living thing is clung onto you like Bees to Honey, You’ve been watching too much of those anime where the guy always ends up dying for the girl (you need some Dragon Ball Z…STAT).
The Bad Girl Type - You are a masochist and simply adore the fact that this babe is giving you all the attention; even though you might die in a few seconds, You are a red blooded healthy young man who knows he can tame even the wildest of seductresses, You believe that inside her heart she is a good per-OMG SEXY LEGS, You can’t afford a pillow and thus decided to use her massive rack instead.
A mixture of sporty girl and bad girl is what would throw me over the edge into oblivion, never to return. I’ve always been heavily involved with sports my entire life, so finding a good sporty girl is like having god bless you with immortality.
A spinoff of the sporty girl, which is equally as sexy, is a girl who likes sports. You’ve seen them on TV, and yes they do exist somewhere in the world. I’m talking about the girls who dress up for Football Sunday, and eat potato chips and drink beer with the boys all day. Yeah, that’s the life.
Good girls like Bad boys, so why can’t good boys like bad girls, right? It’s almost like finding an exotic woman, except she’s not exotic in terms of culture, but rather her lifestyle. Bad girls can have a variety of likes and dislikes that range to infinity, which means somewhere, one could have the same likes/dislikes. The only difference is how they carry themselves and how they react to certain situations.
Dear god though, a sporty girl who’s somewhat bad, but has love to spare just blows my mind ;p
Some nice categorisations( although not exhaustive), but to narrow down to one aspect per girl is kinda doing them a disservice. Most well-developed anime-girls these days are very multi-dimensional in characteristics.
It is possible to have a silent-sporty-princess hybrid for example. Tokimeki Memorial is an example of simple hybrids. Mina is cast as a shy girl, but she is aggressive when she wants to. Tsukasa is the sporty girl, but is hopelessly timid when it comes to the crunch in love matters.
Kaede is the childhood friend, the girl-next-door, and of course a dash of psycho-girl; but not all childhood friends are repressed boxcutter-wielding maniacs. Riko, Ayu, Asa, Nayuki, Kiri, etc… comes to mind in a flash.
Additionally, part of the appeal with silent girls is that when they DO show emotion, the contrast with their normal behaviour is that much heightened, so the reaction by the viewer is that much more amplified.
A nicely timed case study would be the slap that Yakumo gave Eri in the most recent School Rumble manga-chapter(0211). It really caused a furore amongst the fans because it is a VERY aggressive reaction by Yakumo’s standards. Another example would be the slap that Rei gave Shinji in the elevator.
Which is why people will probably explode when they get to see Nagato *I’m emotionless, really* Yuki going all dere-dere over Kyon in the next series of SHnY.
You’re wrong, Kaede is not the girl-next-door, she’s way better than that ! She’s the girl-who-lives-under-the-same-roof, which can provide even more interesting situations.
Somehow, girls that are quiet but secretly supportive of men tickle my fancy. Though, learning how to cook is a BIG plus. Carbon Master GF = DO NOT WANT.
Plus, I think you forgot the “secret identity/mahou shoujo” stereotype. Like (Adult)Nanoha or any other asskicking girl that hides under a cute and innocent exterior…
Somehow I don’t recall ‘girl-who-lives-under-the-same-roof’ as being an acknowledged trait. ^^; Besides, traits are descriptions, not ironclad identities/situations.
Princess-type girls are not always actual royalty, for example.
An interesting look into the male mind.
So, let’s see, if I was going to go gay for any of them…no question, it would have to be Revy and her class of GAR fox. Fantasy, maybe, but oh! what a fantasy.
This is very long but I read it till the end lol. The first chara type you were pretty serious, comparing and relating anime girls to real life ones. But the subsequent ones became more light-hearted fantasies, sadly. I would have liked to read a serious discussion on real and anime girls.
That said, I like Yuki but know that it’s almost impossible to have a proper relationship with a girl like her. My wife has a lot of Fujioka Haruhi in her and that rocks totally.
That picture of Vegeta sure surprised me.
Anyway, I recommend http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harem_anime#Female_characters for reference.
It’s always hard to classify anime female character types into neat categories. Far too many examples fall into cross-class or sub-class. For example, there’s the Silent-Weird type, like Kisaragi Ninomai in Happy Lesson.
Lots of female characters in anime actually fit into the Combat Princess category, including a great many magical girls. I spent some time trying to figure out where Sakura Kinomoto and Nanoha Takamachi would fit, and Combat Princess does seem to be the best category.
I’m generally partial to the Silent types (or the Loli types, some would say), but one of the most sexy characters I’ve ever seen (if not the most sexy), in any sort of fiction, is still the Combat Princess Yomiko Readman from Read or Die.
Ha ha. Interesting. It seems I’m gonna have to go watch some DBZ… now.
Don’t think Eurobeat was playing in the background while Nagato was getting impaled.
Interesting though.
Hey, you forgot the “Girl who lives in pockey filled basement who will live with her parents until they die” type
You’re wrong, Kaede is not the girl-next-door, she’s way better than that ! She’s the girl-who-lives-under-the-same-roof, which can provide even more interesting situations
A spinoff of the sporty girl, which is equally as sexy, is a girl who likes sports. You’ve seen them on TV, and yes they do exist somewhere in the world. I’m talking about the girls who dress up for Football Sunday, and eat potato chips and drink beer with the boys all day. Yeah, that’s the life.
lol i love anime it’s so cool!
What about the smart girl type? Examples: Shion (Xenosaga), Bulma Briefs (DB/Z/GT), Arakawa (Elfen Lied).
heh heh.
It’s really interesting to see a guy’s take on girls. I’m not lying, I really like to know what their thinking and truly understand them ^^.
I would say I’m a mixture of all these. Sometimes I like to kick ass (i’m super space pirate kitty jazz-chan after all), other times I love to be protected by my boyfriend whom I trust. I have a very boyish exterior, but underneath I can be very girly. I also love to TRY really hard in sports, but I’m no azumanga-sporty character…some of my personality was clearly shaped by anime, I’m not going to lie, lol.
I love Fragail petal types who will risk their life protecting me insted of the other way around
Dark anima is my sole
i love blood plus n all anima shows
bleach is also one of my favorites i love yoruichi
i have a secret about the show naruto
does any one know episode 240-244 its about gaara and his teammates?
by the way just to tell not all anima is as it seems ull b surprised as watch somethings can change
NEKOS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!
FRAGILE PETAL TYPE hello get the facts straight just becuz it shows weakness in this pic doesnt mean she cant kick ur ass that goes 4 the quiet types to
hey even bad girls need some quiet times so be careful wat u say cuz its not how u seem its how u r
by the way just to tell not all anima is as it seems ull b surprised as watch somethings can change
NEKOS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!
FRAGILE PETAL TYPE hello get the facts straight just becuz it shows weakness in this pic doesnt mean she cant kick ur ass that goes 4 the quiet types to
hey even bad girls need some quiet times so be careful wat u say cuz its not how u seem its how u r
lol funny n nice anime
The fragile petal type is definately the best!
Super super SEXY!!!
sum 1 should make a quiz for the girls to find out what type of these anime girls they are…yo.
hmmm… quite a difficult choice, but i’ll go with the combo of the silent type and the warrior princess type.
So, What Is The Bad Girls Name. And where Does She Shop
FOr crying out loud whats the name of these animes!?!?! i really want to watch them hurry some one plz reply!
does anyone know from which anime the picture put for “combat princess” came from? Thanks in advance…..
I am a first time anime watcher, and I wanted to know what show the The Fragile Petal Type girl is from, and could someone point me to a websight that i could watch them at?
anime is awsome
Yay Me love alot
i am verry bored i wish i had more anime books!
I^M LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
my favorites would be between the silent type and the combat princess type the silent ones could always give u somethin good but the com bat princess would make you sweat like seriusly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
blis gev me anime sexe school
I’ll take one of each, preferably still in their bubble-wrap :3
I mostly agree, but thinks the lack of Rukia a sad thing.
u guys are lame…….y dont u get off ur dream horse and get onto me?
u guys are lame…….y dont u get off ur dream horse and get onto me? jeez
i’d bang that chick
dude i love the thrill of the hunt
I Like this and i agree with the bad girl one but i love that bad girls varry sexy after all im a bad girl
Hy! I am Melina!
They girls are sweeeet!
hey which anime is pic 8? please
Hello cute girls well i`m bolivian and men but with my few english i´ll say it´s good you are “simpatica” (search in dictionary please)and your work is great do us a favor and continue like that it´s “notorio” that you have talent my e-mail is fernV2@hotmail.com please white something “com mucho afecto y sinceridad MarcodeVirgo
Dude, does she have a 50 cal. rifle!? I want a 50 cal. rifle!
By the way, what does GAR stand for?
And what the hell is with the boxcutter reference for the childhood friend type?
And I know you said that you won’t tell us, but that never stopped me, where did you get the picture for the silent type?
And to the person who wanted to know what anime the fragile petal type came from, I don’t know, but once you find out, if you want to watch it online, youtube is your best bet.
“You believe that inside her heart she is a good per-OMG SEXY LEGS, You can’t afford a pillow and thus decided to use her massive rack instead.”
hehehhjajajajeheheh xD xD… that was funni!
..just imagine xD
i love hentai….
like the the post…anime and manga rock…..XD
I hate most female anime characters. D: They seriously all just fit into these few categories. There are SO many great male anime characters. Nerdy, annoying, funny, fat, cariacatured, ugly… So much diversity! The girls, on the other hand, are all either pretty, perfect little damsels in distress or ’sexy’ domintrixes. YUCK.
But, they are, indeed, just as you wrote here. v_v
This was just awsome. I mean really! They’re all so great its impossible to decide on any single preference. Anyone that does is missing out. And an even greater creation would be the hybrids. Nothing can get sexier than a Sporty/GAR/Bad Girl type with a dash of that silent cuteness. I never get tired of any of them.
And that pic of Nagato is just soooo adorable! It’s the eyes! And the way she tilts her head!!! OMG IT’S DRIVING ME INSANE!!!
people im a guest here but I was looking for a pic for my website’s background but if you people really like anime then, goto my 2 main websites… http://www.AnimesAct.com/ and my new one thats under devolopment now is http://www.AnimesUnderground.Webs.com/ hope to see you all soon on my websites… bye!
i like bad girls type and silent girl type if combine both i would love =a sex lovin silent girl lol>___
Kaede is not the girl-next-door, she’s way better than that ! She’s the girl-who-lives-under-the-same-roof, which can provide even more interesting situations
i read this stufff well hahahhaaha its kind of true to me cuz i would be the tomboyish or sportsy cuz i punch and kick and pinch aAHAHAHHAHA to like everyone who getss me mad lmaooo
i also punch or kick my friend in theeeee nuts hahaaa but we were just playing so i pants him
this shit is funny DAMn HAHAA
This works is very nice.
But this page is very long:) I can that girls are very sexy.
Today 2008 tomorrow is 2009.
yo wats up guys just wanna say a girl like the bad and fergile petal type will defentely throw me of the edge n never return
get a life & stop fantasising about fucking a god damn cartoon you losers
This article is incredibly insightful and intriguing. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Now I’m busying myself to see which female Anime archetype I am. Hmm…
This article is incredibly insightful and intriguing. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Now I’m busying myself to see which female Anime archetype I am. Hmm…